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Director Explains Why ‘His Only Son’ Was Far From A Leap Of Faith

David Helling, the director of “His Only Son,” spoke to Fox News, Monday, sharing why his directorial debut was far from a leap of faith.

“My reason for wanting to do ‘His Only Son’ is to give an answer to the scoffers and the skeptics, for one, and to give a defense to believers that they could then answer the skeptics in their own lives,” Herring told the outlet. “Because this passage in Scripture that we find in Genesis 22… where the Lord tests Abraham and asks him to lay his own son upon the altar as a burnt offering is one of the most scoffed at passages, one of the most controversial passages that we see in scripture.”

The Third Great Awakening Is Here

Herring is a former U.S. Marine. In his conversation with Fox, he noted how there is a growing interest in faith-based entertainment. Just two examples include “The Chosen” and “Jesus Revolution,” which have broken a slew of records for being some of the top-rated and most watched pieces of entertainment in history!

“So, to be able to dig into the word and draw out what the Lord was doing and what the Lord was pointing to in the testing of Abraham’s faith, that’s what I wanted to do and why I wanted to do this film in particular,” Herring continued. “I think Hollywood is taking notice because, at the end of the day, they see, OK, well, if there is revenue to be made through this type of entertainment, they might then now put more resources behind it. And because of that, we will start to see more and more of this content come out for a season.”

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