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Viral Video Hints At Location Of The Last Supper

A social media user went viral Monday for sharing a short video featuring Leonardo da Vinci’s mural of The Last Supper alongside real historical sites from around the world.

da Vinci started painting “The Last Supper” in 1495 and concluded in 1498, according to Britannica. It’s arguably one of the most influential and important pieces of artwork ever created. It depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by his Apostles at Passover.

“One of you will betray me,” Jesus tells them. All of those around him are shocked and uncomfortable by the news, except for Judas.

So, what does this video have to do with The Last Supper?

Academics have done a wonderful job of trying to eradicate Christianity from the exploration of ancient history and archaeology. But something significant is shifting globally in our understanding of human history: it turns out these academics may have gotten a lot incorrect about our journey through this world.

In the viral video shared by AstralConspiracy, we see The Last Supper atop the screen. Below are four historical sites in Egypt, Indonesia, India, and Mexico. Red circles show how the room behind Jesus and His Apostles aligns with ancient architectural designs.

While this might be a conspiracy — even the hashtags on the video are a little off to us — it evokes a strong emotional response. Why have academics and scientists tried so hard to write off stories from our Savior as myth and legend?

What hard evidence has been hidden from the public for millennia?

The Great Flood Is Not A Myth. It Was Real.

Well, it turns out there is plenty of physical evidence for the Great Flood. Even for scientists, it is impossible to deny that our Earth has undergone extreme moment of water erosion, and not that long ago!

Despite limitations in dating the age of our planet, evidence suggests that prior to our last glacial period, the planet looked very different. Land masses existed throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Atlantic, and more that no longer do today. They’re submerged under water.

Even in north Africa, the scars of a huge flood can be seen today. Watch this video to find out more! It’s not based on the stories of the Bible, but it sure does align well…

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways (Genesis 6:9-9:17).

Evidence of His love is all around us. What more can we do?

As our Third Great Awakening takes hold, inspiring millions around the world, we can always do more. Together, we can walk in His light, and away from the corruption that surrounds us today.

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