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Major Political Outlet Pushes Story On Biden Dropping Harris As 2024 Running Mate

As more and more people resist the idea of President Joe Biden receiving a second term in office, Politico is pushing a story about three columnists who think dropping Kamala Harris as his running mate would be a good idea.

There are a handful of people Biden could choose as another running mate, but would it make a difference? The concern for voters is Biden’s age and his mental capacity, which is dwindling rapidly to the point where America looks increasingly vulnerable on the global stage.

But somehow, Harris is even more disliked than our current president. Some polls have her approval rating down as low as 39.5%. “Biden could encourage a more open vice-presidential selection process that could produce a stronger running mate,” Washington Post columnist David Ignatius said in his piece. Unfortunately, Ignatius believes Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass would be a better option, but she is exactly the same as Harris, if not worse. (LEARN MORE: Biden-Harris Campaign Spends $25 Million On Pro-Abortion Ads)

Other Options

“To be sure, replacing Harris with another running mate is not a great option,” New York Magazine Intelligencer columnist Eric Levitz wrote. “”It’s just that Democrats have no good ones. It is risky to switch out the first Black and female vice-president for someone else. But it is also risky to saddle an 81-year-old nominee with an exceptionally unpopular running mate who — if all goes well — will be all but guaranteed the party’s nomination in 2028.”

Levitz also suggested a handful of other potential running mates, but again, none of them were really good enough. (LEARN MORE: Kamala Harris Officially The Lowest-Rated VP In History)

 What’s Really Going On?

While it’s not surprising to see a strange headline like Politicos, it does suggest that some in the Biden Campaign are fishing for newer options. Putting out a few prospective running-mate names in copy is usually enough to gather social media data on whether the general public like the potential candidate.

So, is the Biden campaign fishing for intel? Do they honestly not realize the issue is no one wants Biden to run again. It doesn’t matter who his vice president is. He is the problem.

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