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Superstar Actor Allegedly Horrifically Injured After Receiving COVID-19 Shot, Journalist Claims

Veteran entertainment journalist A.J. Benza claimed that superstar actor Jamie Foxx is currently paralyzed after suffering a stroke potentially caused by the COVID-19 vaccination, Fox reported.

The reports from Benza follow months of rumors surrounding Foxx’s health, some of which have been dismissed, but no formal update has been issued either. “During an episode of ‘Ask Dr. Drew,’ the podcaster, who previously worked as a columnist for the New York Daily News and hosted the E! series Mysteries and Scandals, disclosed that Jamie Foxx had experienced a blood clot in his brain subsequent to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine,” Fox noted in their report. (LEARN MORE: World Health Organization Cancels Investigation Into COVID-19 Origins)

Even iconic boxer Mike Tyson noted that Foxx is currently going through serious health struggles, suggesting these reports may have more truth behind them than not, the Gateway Pundit noted.

New Research Sheds Light On ‘Safety Signal’ Found In Children’s Vaccines

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a “safety signal” impacting children aged 12 to 17-years-old who received the COVID-19 vaccine. The study correlated an elevated risk of heart inflammation and the Pfizer-brand vaccination.

(LEARN MORE: CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine To Official Immunization Schedule For Infants And Children)

Will We Ever Know The Truth About The COVID-19 Vaccines? No, Unless We Ask For It

You can start lobbying your local, state, and federally elected representatives today to protect children from the FDA, CDC, and others trying to force the COVID-19 vaccine upon them. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed and become citizen lobbyists.


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