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Communist China Threatens Elon Musk Over Lab Leak Statements

News broke over the weekend that it’s likely that the COVID-19 virus spread across the world after leaking from a lab based in Wuhan, China. If the lab leak origin of the virus is explicitly proven, it could prove that Dr. Anthony Fauci is responsible for the entire pandemic.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, lied to Congress about it, and now both the FBI & the Department of Energy have concluded that the coronavirus originated at the Wuhan lab. Does that mean Dr. Anthony Fauci funded the development of COVID-19?” an account called Kanekoa wrote in a tweet on Sunday.

“He did it via a pass-through organization (EcoHealth),” Musk clarified in a response that has been seen by some 6,600,000 people at the time of writing.

The Chinese Communist Party responded to Musk’s comments in a social media post from the state-controlled outlet, the Global Times.

“Judging from public information and past media reports, Musk himself has actually been moving closer to these right-wing forces in the United States in recent years,” individuals behind the post wrote. “He has been dealing with many domestic and foreign issues such as racism issues, gender issues, and Russia-Ukraine conflict issues in the United States.”

“In fact, he has shown a tendency to endorse these right-wing conservative values. He himself seems to enjoy the feeling of being sought after by the American right-wing forces and ‘carrying the sedan chair.’ Therefore, on the issue of the source of the new crown virus, he will naturally mix with these people,” the CCP added, not so subtly.

The post was entitled “Musk, are you smashing China’s pot?” which apparently means something similar to “biting the hand that feeds you,” according to Breitbart. Musk’s business relationships with China are myriad, and probably too much to include in a single article on the topic.

Learn more about China’s stealth invasion of the United States

The fact China’s government are threatening a foreign billionaire so publicly is atrocious. No unelected government should have this type of international control, or even think it has. Unfortunately, a majority of America’s elected leaders don’t care that China is destroying American culture right under our noses.

If you want your local, state, and federal government to do something about China, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.


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