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Are These The Eight Signs Of ‘The End’ As Described By Jesus Christ?

A blog post published by Founding and Senior Pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, NC, Dr. James Emery White on Crosswalk described eight signs of the end times.

White’s work is brief but hyper-detailed. His opening line posed the question, “are we living in the end times?” He argued that the immediate answer is “Yes, of course we are.” But the real question is “how close are we to the end times?”

“We’ve been in The End Times since the death and resurrection of Jesus”

White’s analysis suggests eight key signs of the end times approaching. The first is the prevalence of false prophets. “Individuals will rise and teach what isn’t true and will try to get people to follow them, but they won’t really be of God,” he explains. Sounds a little like some of our Democratic government leaders and their cronies right now, huh?

Second, White believes there will be wars and threats of war. He calls this the “age of anxiety and fear of world conflict.” Though China technically invaded the U.S. many years ago, the threat of war from Russia and other international nuclear powers is higher now than any other time in our recent history.

Natural Disasters, Persecution, and Discord

Thirdly, White argues that there will be an increase in the number of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and more. The end of 2022 and start of 2023 saw some of the most extreme back-to-back weather events nationally, leaving hundreds dead and injured across the nation.

During this time, Christians will also be persecuted for their faith. We’ll just leave this here: Biden Administration Threatens Catholic Hospital Over A Single Burning Candle.

This will be followed by a huge number of people turning away from faith, renouncing Jesus and His Word, which we have already seen in the entertainment industry and growth in evil. But within the Christian faith, there will also be discord.

The best way to battle this discord is to come into your faith with the largest, warmest of hearts. To love unconditionally and judge not. (LEARN MORE: Biden Regulations Could See Christians, Conservatives Denied Government Employment, Critics Claim)

Immorality, Insensitivity With Reign

The seventh sign, according to White, is that ” immorality and insensitivity toward immorality will reign throughout the land. We will engage ourselves in things that embarrass God and, when we do it or see it, we won’t even blush.” Have you turned on television recently? Don’t. Except for maybe a few unique channels. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

The Final Sign

The final sign of the end times is “the good news of Jesus will be proclaimed to everyone in the world.” We’re slowly seeing this happen through the growth in revivals, and other key social signs of our Great Awakening.

The Great Awakening Is Happening. Share The Good News Today!

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