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AOC Humiliated By Yet Another String Of Nonsense On The Economy

When asked by reporters what she thought of the ongoing debt ceiling fight, New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez humiliated herself with what was either a poorly executed lie or her own ignorance to how politics works.

AOC claimed that the “the largest contributor to our deficit has been the Trump tax cuts.” A new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) proves that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed under the Trump Administration in 2017 led to one of the strongest economies in more than half a century before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an analysis published by Breitbart.

“The package didn’t compromise the federal budget,” Breitbart noted. Clearly, AOC is either completely misled about the situation, or she is purposefully trying to mislead the public in the facts, both of which should be a huge concern for all Americans, not just those living under her crime-ridden jurisdiction. (LEARN MORE: ‘Republicans And Manchin Are Right’: Newt Gingrich On The Debt Ceiling, And Why It Matters To Real Americans)

Increased government revenue did not occur in spite of the Act passed under President Trump, but directly because of his work and the efforts of lawmakers. Alfredo Ortiz of the Job Creators Network argued in the op-ed that the legislation “created a small business boom by helping entrepreneurs compete on an even playing field,” despite efforts by Big Tech and other Big Business competitors trying to quell their success.

Now that you know the truth, are you concerned that AOC either didn’t, or did and chose to lie? You should be.

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