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Woman Claims Justin Bieber Helped Her Find Jesus During ‘Supernatural’ Moment

A Colombian flight attendant claimed during a May episode of “The Becket Cook Show” that pop superstar Justin Bieber put her on a path back to Christ.

Victoria Mandylor told Cook that Bieber was the one who “planted a seed” that led her on a journey to salvation. “He was another person that was put in my life to put the last seed [in] and water it,” she explained, after having a chance encounter with the star during a flight, according to CBN News.

Despite being raised Catholic, Mandylor lost her faith after she was sexually abused by an uncle from the age of 12, she claimed. “He groomed me from the time I arrived in the United States until I was 17 and then he raped me,” Mandylor continued. “”It went on for many years and he [mentioned] God to do what he was doing because he knew that I believed in God.”

Her Uncle Eventually Went To Prison, But She Lost Her Faith

Mandylor started using yoga and meditation to cope with the pain she experienced. But those practices apparently opened a door to demonic encounters, like sleep paralysis. “But at the time I was already curious about Jesus and I had a Bible. When this entity that looked like an alien…was coming to get me I just closed my eyes…and I said, ‘Jesus. In the name of Jesus, please get rid of the entity. Take it away from me, please’…And it just disappeared,” she continued.

But it wasn’t until she was a stewardess on Bieber’s private jet that things really changed for her. “He gets on board and the first thing that he says to me is… ‘Do you believe in Jesus Christ?’ I just looked at him and I said ‘Excuse me?’ and he said, ‘Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe He is the Son of God that was crucified and died for your sins? And do you know that you are forgiven?’ And I was like, ‘I am very spiritual and I do a lot of meditating and stuff and maybe He existed,” she said, adding that her response seems arrogant now that she looks back upon it.

Bieber then shared a series of Christian songs with Mandylor. From then on, God sent so many other people into Mandylor’s life to keep her on her path back to Him.

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