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Target Loses More Money To ‘Pride’ Backlash Than The Early Days Of The Pandemic

Target has reportedly lost more money since launching a line of sexualized clothing for children than it did during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Epoch Times reported.

In May, Target launched a line of clothing for children that pushed them to learn about sex well before it is appropriate. The pieces of clothing were adorned with transgender flag colors, and other LGBT-friendly icons. It is unclear why Target thought it was appropriate to create a line of children’s clothing that exclusively relates to whom an individual wants to have sexual relationship with, but the backlash is costing them heavily.

“Shares of the firm dropped by about 0.8 percent on May 31, to $132.73, or about 17 percent down from two weeks ago, on May 18, when the stock was trading at $160.96. Data show that the current levels are the lowest Target has experienced since the early days of the pandemic,” the Epoch times noted in their report.

Threats From LGBT Members

When Target relocated the clothing line, seeming to admit that making sexualized clothing for kids is incredibly inappropriate, a number of their stores received bomb threats, USA Today reported.

“Target is full of cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store,” one emailed threat read to a store in Ohio.

Why Are Adults So Focused On Sexualizing Children?

The ‘Pride’ flag was adopted by the gay community to inform anyone — even though who don’t ask — that they choose to have intercourse with members of the same sex. That is it. Within the transgender community, their flag is used to display their acceptance of sterilization and mutualization surgeries, which are largely aimed at children. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

The transgender movement in America is uniquely targeting children. Contact your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with children being targeted for irreversible damage. You can shift policy to protect America’s children today.

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