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One Town’s Epic Fight Against ‘Zuck Bucks 2.0’ Corruption Will Inspire You To Take Control Of Your Home

You might not have heard of the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) but this blandly named group wants to destroy your hometown from the inside out with money from corrupt leftist progressives. Thankfully, one small town in Connecticut is fighting back like no other, creating a roadmap for you to do the same.

CTCL is part of the same group who poured Mark Zuckerberg’s personal money into election offices prior to the 2020 presidential election through various loopholes within laws related to vote integrity, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported. The group is now targeting a slew of towns and cities across America in the hopes of using the same loopholes to influence elections in coming years, and is offering those towns huge sums of money to cover for their corrupt purpose.

Greenwich, Connecticut, is clearly not going to go along with CTCL’s mission without a fight. An op-ed written by Betsy McCaughey, published by the Greenwich Free Press, detailed how the group is trying to “donate” $500,000 to the local Board of Election for the 2024 election cycle.

“Tax money alone has always supported how elections are conducted, to ensure they are impartial,” McCaughey argued. “The grant should be rejected to avoid any appearance of partisan meddling.”

Another article published by the outlet, signed by a slew of locals explained that, “[twenty-four] states and twelve counties in the US have passed laws prohibiting the use of private grants by Registrars of Voters since 2020.”

“A major reason for this is that once private funds are accepted and introduced into elections the effect can be to diminish voter confidence in the integrity of the election process,” the article continued. “Accepting private funding into Greenwich’s election process raises at a minimum the appearance of political partisanship and influence by outside interest groups.”

Ensuring we maintain free and fair elections, even at the smallest, local level is imperative as we move through this decade’s election cycles and beyond. It’s becoming increasingly easy for Big Money groups to corrupt what was once our purpose for fleeing Europe and Britain to create the Greatest Country on Earth: our freedom to vote. (LEARN MORE: Proposed Legislation Would Open State Elections To Illegal Immigrants)

Together, we can help ensure that every town still has the same hope as Greenwich.

Tell your representatives that you don’t want any private funding in your election process. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed and become citizen lobbyists in our fight against corruption within our elections.


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