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One Piece Of Legislation Could Save US Land From Being Bought By China

Republican Texas Rep. Beth Van Duyne introduced legislation Friday that would prevent undisclosed purchases of U.S. farmland, particularly from Chinese interests.

The Protecting American Farmland Act would adjust the U.S. tax code to prevent the sale of some of our most precious landscapes to foreign individuals. “China is relentlessly trying to undermine our country—whether it’s poisoning our citizens with fentanyl smuggled in through our southern border, spying on us, or filling the global stage that has been left empty by the Biden Administration,” Van Duyne said of the bill. (READ MORE: China And The Origins Of COVID-19 Get Special Treatment By House Republicans In 2023)

“American farmland—especially here in Texas—is the new frontline in our fight against the Chinese Communist Party’s aggressions. I’m glad to join Chairman Jason Smith in introducing this bill to keep our farmland from enemy hands, protecting our nation’s farmers, supply chains, and security.”

Protecting America From China Is More Important Than Ever

The bill stipulates that any “country of concern” would face a 60% exercise tax, according to the legislation. Such nations are defined as any that “is engaged in long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States.”

Other nations, such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, are also noted alongside China. (LEARN MORE: China’s Stealth Invasion Of America Is Happening Now, Experts Warn)

The Democrats Don’t Care About China’s Invasion Of The US

Our current leadership may not understand the importance of holding China accountable for their repeated attacks on the U.S., but that just means you need to choose new lawmakers and politicians who will. (LEARN MORE: We’re In A ‘New Cold War’ With China, Republican Says)

If you want your local, state, and federal government to introduce similar legislation, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.


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