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Crime Wave Is Still Forcing Americans To Flee Democrat-Run States

U.S. Census Bureau data shows that the populations of predominantly Republican-run states have grown significantly over recent years, largely pushed by the cost of living crisis, crime, and homelessness, according to Newsweek.

The data, released in December 2022, show rapid population growth in Republican states. However places like California are seeing a mass out-migration, due to a slew of social and financial factors that Democrat lawmakers are making worse.

Don’t Turn Republican States Into Democrat-Run Nightmares

Experts such as Heartland Institute  senior fellow Sam Karnick said law and order is the core reason so many people, particularly families, are fleeing Democrat-run states is the continued crime wave. “Populations in Democrat-controlled states are falling because of an exodus from big cities. The reverse is happening in Republican-controlled states,” Karnick told Newsweek.

“Although taxes are an important factor, there was not nearly as much blue-to-red state movement before 2020. The deciding element appears to be the rapid rise of violent crime in Democrat-controlled cities across the nation.”

But the fear is that Democrats fleeing these crises will bring their same limited politics to Republican strongholds. Why not share this article with your friends and family to remind them that now, more than ever, we must come together to fight policies that make us all unsafe in our homes. (LEARN MORE: Majority Of Americans Believe The Nation Is In Moral Decline)

The Rate Of Violent Crime Continues To Rise In Urban Areas

Karnick noted that the 2021 National Crime Victimization Survey showed that rates of violent crimes have soared in urban areas, such as cities and large towns. But the same trend has not occurred in suburban and rural areas, other than those close to urban centers.

By late 2022, 27 of the top 30 crime-ridden cities were run by Democrats. And they still are today, but we can do something to change that. (LEARN MORE: Counties Consider Secession Over Leftist Policies)

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