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Majority Of Americans Believe The Nation Is In Moral Decline

A poll conducted by the American Bible Study found that 86% of American adults believe the nation is in moral decline, according to Christian Headlines.

Within this majority, 26% believed that the decline comes from a “lack of positive parental involvement.” Other sources of blame include “negative influence of media, movies or music,” as well as “unhealthy reliance on social media for information on current events.”

One of the other major sources of moral decline was “low level of respect for the Bible as a guide for moral development.” (LEARN MORE: Watch And Be Inspired By Asbury Revival’s Inter-Denominational Phenomenon)

“Negative Influence of Government Leaders”

Thirteen percent of respondents said the “negative influence of government leaders” could also be a core reason for the decline in morality for Americans. (LEARN MORE: ‘Respect Our Pronouns’ Bill Successfully Challenged By First Amendment Rights)

“They can’t agree on what the problem is,” the report stated. “Parents, music, social media – all of these may contribute to the problem, but there’s one diagnosis recognized only by a select group. Those who know and love the Bible understand its power as ‘a guide for moral development.’ They see that the moral decline of America parallels the decline of Scripture engagement in America. Could the nation’s moral decline be slowed or even reversed by greater attention to Scripture? That thesis might find greater agreement than we expect.”

There Is Always Hope … And Actions

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