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Celebrate National Marriage Week By Protecting And Promoting Family

Welcome to National Marriage Week, which runs from February 7th through the 14th, Valentines Day, in the United States.

As the battle to protect the family rages on around us, it can often feel like this sacred institution is being destroyed by woke narratives that have simply rebranded hatred, ego, a lack of self control, and failing morals until a mischaracterized idea of freedom. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic forced America to see the lowest marriage rates in 20 years, with the government overreaching their power to shut down our religious institutions, and attempt to dismantle pathways to legal love in the U.S.

Thankfully, love always win, and will again in 2023. More than that, God’s Word never changes. Marriage is His idea, not just to bring a man and woman together in love, but to mirror the Church and Him in our time on this Earth.

Religious leaders from across Christianity are encouraging all couples, those married, those on the path, and those who and working to be, to promote and protect the family at all opportunities — but particularly this week.

And it’s not just Christian groups who love and appreciate and witness in the glory of marriage. Research shared by the National Marriage Week organization noted that if the U.S. had the same marriage rates in 2023 and we did in 1970, there would be a 25% decrease in poverty, as the institution drops the probability of a child living in poverty by at least 82%.

Protecting the sanctity of marriage is a fundamental need for all Americans.

The laws in this country do not have marriage in mind. These laws often do not promote the unconditional love of two partners, and certainly do not foster any type of healthy relationship knowledge in our education system. We can help change that, and revolutionize the prosperity of the American people by simply using our voice.

If this is something you care about, sign up to today or text “MV” to 80550. We’ll ensure your local representatives at all levels of government are aware that you want to help ensure the protection of marriage in America.


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Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need to confidently act from a biblical worldview.

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