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California Bill Could Finally Protect Families From Classroom Tyranny Against Children

A bill proposed in California would force teachers, counselors, and any other type of school-based employee to notify parents in the event their child requests to be called by another name.

AB1314 would restore the rights of parents, which were previously removed by the state of California, according to the Daily Signal. California presently allows children aged 12 and older to request and receive horrifically damaging transgender treatments without any input from their parents.

Such transgender treatments can render children sterile, irreversibly scarred, and perpetuate crippling mental health disorders than can lead to suicide. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

Give Parents Their Rights Back. Protect Our Children.

AB1314 would restore all rights to parents in terms of them being informed of any medical decision their child tries to make regarding their gender. Support for the bill has been overwhelming. One parental advocacy organization called Our Duty wrote an impassioned letter to California’s State Assembly, lobbying them to pass the bill into law.

“Over the last decade, California has been on a crusade to erode parental rights. By misinterpreting Education Code section 221.5, commonly referred to as AB 1266, the state is inducing teachers to withhold information from parents about their children. Specifically, it is permitting this law to be used by teachers as a basis for barring parents from learning that their children have adopted new gender identities at school.” You can read the full letter here.

Do you have parental rights in your state?

By contacting your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with the power claimed by leftist politicians and corrupt educators over your children, you can shift policy to protect America’s most valuable members – its young people.

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