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More than 70% Of Red States Ban Irreversible Child Mutilation Surgeries

Prior to 2023, only four states in the U.S. had banned so-called “gender transition surgeries,” which seek to irreversibly mutilate, sterilize, and castrate minors. With the state legislative season almost over, 72% of Republican-controlled states have passed laws to protect children from these horrific actions by the medical establishment and progressive movement.

Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia all passed laws to protect children. Tennessee also doubled down on a pre-existing law to ensure the same, according to the Washington Stand. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

Only eight GOP states have yet to protect children: Alaska, Kansas, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In Alaska and Wisconsin, the outlet continued. North Carolina will vote on whether to ban the surgeries on Thursday, and the Ohio Senate has until December to make a decision. (LEARN MORE: Biden Administration Study Finds Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Americans More Likely To Suffer From Major Depression)

Why Your Vote Can Save A Child’s Life Today

By contacting your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with the power claimed by medical institutions and government officials over your children, you can shift policy to protect America’s most valuable members – its young people.

To contact your local representatives today, sign up for www.Change. today (text MV to 80550). We’ll ensure that your voice is always heard.


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