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Linebacker Demario Davis Turns Post-Game Interview Into Sermon For Jesus

Linebacker for the New Orleans Saints, Demario Davis shared a powerful message on NFL Sunday, saying people too often worship footballers on weekends, and not our Lord and Savior.

“We play this game on Sundays, and it’s really the Lord’s day,” Davis told a crowd after the Saints’ win on Sunday. “And the day we should be worshipping the Lord, a lot of times, players are getting worshipped…Since so many of us didn’t get to go to church today, I have a word I want to share.”

Davis went on to read Revelation 3:20 during the post-game event. He acknowledge the choice to share a sermon was unconventional, and told the crowd to buckle up. (LEARN MORE: ‘I Feel Like God Put Me Here … to Call Out the Hypocrisy’: Former ESPN Host’s Powerful Choice)

Revelations 3:20

“See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me,” Davis told the crowd. “I want to tell you about a knock I heard this week.”

He went on to describe how his four-year-old daughter had her third seizure in the week prior to the game. She’d been seizure-free for almost two years. “She started to foam at the mouth and it was her worst seizure. For 30 minutes she seized. She wouldn’t come and we had to call the paramedics,” he told the crowd. (LEARN MORE: Christian Heptathlete Anna Hall Trusts ‘God’s Timing’ On 2024 Olympics)

“You can imagine all the thoughts that raise through your mind,” he continued. “The last sight you see of your daughter is that she is totally out of it. We got to the hospital and my wife told me that our daughter stopped breathing in the [ambulance] twice.” So Demario prayed.

God’s Action

In the middle of the night, Demario heard a knock. “I had prayed for her. I said, ‘God, let this just be an attack from the enemy that’s just trying to be a distraction. Let him have overplayed his hand and my daughter come back stronger than before,” Demario said the knock came at 3am. “When I heard my daughter talked in the middle of the night…and my daughter doesn’t have any developmental issues. Praise God. She doesn’t have any slurred speech prior to this…She woke up talking clearer than she was before.” (LEARN MORE: ESPN Host Says ‘Tremendous Men Of God’ Surrounded Him Throughout His Career)

“Anyone who deals with epilepsy knows it takes a few days for them to come back. They can usually get back to normal wherever they were, but it takes a couple of days,” Davis continued. “She was talking clearer than before. We let her talk for about 20 minutes and then we said, ‘Hey baby, it’s nighttime. Time to go to sleep.'”

Bring His Word Into All Spaces

“When I tell you that I got a chance to hear a knock from God and what I want to share is we get to play this game and it is great…but when we leave this game, we go back to being regular people,” he said. “Regular people are living life. And regular people are waiting for a knock.”

“And the word says who Jesus is and He is knocking at the door. All you got to do is get up. On the way (to the hospital) I’m nervous, but I’m praying. And I’m trusting. And I’m believing. And I’m not asking for my daughter to make it though. I’m asking that she is better than before.”

Hall Is Correct, It Is All Down To His Timing

As we navigate through our own ups and downs in life, knowing that growth often comes through those darker moments can help bring in His Light. (LEARN MORE: Actor Pushes Hollywood To Promote Faith Instead Of Evil)

Most of the problems facing America today come from a fallen relationship with faith. Christian programs and rehabilitation services work, but only if your government officials allow them to.

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