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Here Are The 7 Signs Of Emotionally Emasculated Men, Per The Bible

Christian Post released an editorial, Sunday, in which the author broke down the seven signs of emotionally emasculated men. As we’re living in a strange moment in history, where masculinity is both under attack and needed more than ever, we thought we’d share the details with you today.

Men Who Leave All Decisions To Their Wives

Ephesians 5:22 teaches us that there are life-altering decisions within a family for which the man is responsible. God will ultimately hold the man accountable for the full direction his family has taken, and therefore the man must have final say — or the ability to think critically and intellectually and faithfully enough — to lead his family.

Emotions Should Never Dictate Your Actions

James 1:20 warns us that human anger does nothing to conjure God’s righteousness (Proverbs 25:28). Therefore, when men are making decisions, they must do so based on principles, not emotion. “Those driven by emotions prioritize personal feelings over what is right and honorable, while men of principle keep their word, even when challenging (Psalm 15:4).”

Eradicate Self-Doubt

Emotionally emasculated men remain trapped in a perpetual analysis, driven by self-doubt, and destroying their ability to lead, the author wrote. Men should aspire to be knowledgeable, powerful, and faithful enough to be confident in their decision, and be full of courage to live to the fullest.

Men Who Fail To Be Spiritual Leaders

Leading by example is the most important thing a man can do in his home. His family looks to him to be that leader, to show poise and have strength. Men should be the ones encouraging their family to go to church, to study the Bible, and prioritize faith under their roof and in the wider world. (LEARN MORE: Watch And Be Inspired By Asbury Revival’s Inter-Denominational Phenomenon)

Men Who Abuse Women And Children

Emotionally emasculated men are often abusive. This abuse can be physical, mental, emotional, and all of it is a failure of the part of the man. No true man harms a woman, a child, and animal. Pure masculinity is knowing the role of being a protector, and doing everything in your power to love, cherish, and care for your kin.

Those Who Fear Conflict

There are ways to manage emotionally heightened situations. Choosing violence or aggression is almost always the wrong decision, especially when it comes to family. Truly masculine men do not shy away from confrontation.

True men meet challenges head-on, and do not stop until a solution is conceived. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

False Prophets Of Good

Leading by example means ensuring that you are not a false prophet to your faith. Men who appear masculine, tough, and outwardly display the facets of a man of faith are all well and good, but that display must be turned into action. Did you know that there is one way to make your true masculinity go even further today?

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