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All Voters Seem To Agree On One Thing: Protecting Kids And Parental Rights

A poll published in early June showed that an overwhelming majority of Californian voters support parental rights and protecting kids from the transgender movement.

The survey, conducted by Rasmussen, found that 82% of California’s likely voters disagree with the statement “A person loses their parental rights when a child enters public school.” Only 12% of people think that parents should lose all of their rights when sending their children to a public school, which still feels like a very high number. (LEARN MORE: Republican Gov. Pulls PBS Funding Over ‘Indoctrination And Over-Sexualization’ Of Children)

Some 84% of respondents stated that they would support laws that required parents be informed about any major changes to their child’s mental, physical, or emotional health, and their academic performance. Again 12% of people didn’t care about parents or children in this context.

Even Liberal California Likes Parental Rights

“The data clearly shows that California parents support transparency and accountable policies, making it mandatory for the school administrations to inform parents if their child is facing any of these challenges or lifestyle changes,” Executive Director of Real Impact Gina Gleason, who helped conduct the poll, stated. “Parents are attending school board meetings in droves to show that despite what the education establishment thinks, children, their well-being, and upbringing are not the responsibility of the school or state, it’s the responsibility of the parents.”

Protect Your Rights & Your Kids Today

By contacting your local representatives today, you can protect children in your state.

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The survey of 1,305 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on May 18, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports and Real Impact. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.


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