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Three States Ditch Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll. Here’s How You Can Too!

Florida, Missouri, and West Virginia announced Monday they were withdrawing from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), The Federalist reported. ERIC is an interstate alliance that is controlled by Democrats, who encourage partisan outreach under the shield of “voter roll maintenance.”

ERIC currently exists in nearly 30 states and Washington D.C. Those running the system are supposed to clean the voter rolls of states by removing duplicate or dead individuals registered on the system. In reality, ERIC reportedly doesn’t even try to do this. (LEARN MORE: Alaska Announces Huge Win Against Election Theft)

Instead, ERIC is allegedly used to require states to send “get-out-the-vote” mailers to predominantly unregistered and Democrat-leaning voters, VerityVote stated. ERIC also shared voter data with the Zuckerberg-funded NGO highly linked to election integrity issues during the 2020 presidential election.

States are turning away from ERIC, and what appears to be a system designed to manipulate elections

Missouri Secretary of State John Ashcroft wrote a letter to ERIC’S Executive Director Shane Hamlin, bluntly calling out the system’s failure to address any of the state’s concerns.

Ashcroft noted concerns such as refusing to “require member states to participate in addressing multi-state voter fraud” as well as “adding names to voter rolls by requiring a solicitation to individuals who already had an opportunity to register to vote and made the conscious decision to not be registered,” and allowing “for a hyper-partisan individual to be an ex-officio non-voting member on its governance board.”

But Ashcroft wasn’t done there. He also penned a press release on the state’s decision to withdraw. (LEARN MORE ABOUT THE VOTE: Proposed Legislation Would Open State Elections To Illegal Immigrants)

Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd echoed Ashcroft’s concerns. “As Secretary of State, I have an obligation to protect the personal information of Florida’s citizens, which the ERIC agreement requires us to share. Florida has tried to back reforms to increase protections, but these  protections were refused. Therefore, we have lost confidence in ERIC.”

Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Missouri, and West Virginia are done with ERIC

If you’re pro-Democracy, it’s time to be anti-ERIC. Tell your local lawmakers that you want ERIC out of your state today. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed and become citizen lobbyists in the pursuit for common sense, safety, and a stable future for the American people.


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