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Proposed Legislation Would Open State Elections To Illegal Immigrants

Democrats in Rhode Island’s General Assembly introduced legislation in early 2023 that aims to provide voting rights to non-U.S. citizens, including illegal immigrants.

The bill (5416) proposes that the state’s towns and cities will “allow all residents of the municipality to vote in municipal elections for municipal officeholders regardless of the immigration status of the residents.” The authors of the bill didn’t bother to clarify what constitutes proof of residency in a particular municipality, a gaping hole in the legal requirements to enforce the act.

The Rhode Island Constitution only entitles the right to vote to U.S. citizens aged 18 years or older, and have lived in their town and state for at least 30 days, and have been registered to vote for 30 days or more prior to an election. The bill was sponsored by Democratic Rhode Island Rep. Enrique Sanchez, who doesn’t “think it would be necessary to amend the state’s constitution in order to allow non-citizens to vote,” according to The Providence Journal. He noted that, should the bill pass, it would allow even visiting students to vote in their locality’s elections.

Due to the flimsy language contained in the bill, there are more ways for foreign governments and other bad actors to have a lasting impact on American elections and domestic safety than bares thinking. (LEARN MORE: Alaska Announces Huge Win Against Election Theft)

Multiple cities, such as Washington D.C., New York City, and San Francisco — the same cities currently experiencing record increases in violent crime and property theft due to leftist policies on policing — are also considering or have passed bills that allow illegal immigrants to vote, according to The Federalist.

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People who want to continue to steal America’s elections want illegal immigrants to vote in other states. To ensure your leadership knows you’re against this dangerous, corrupt issue, sign up to  Change.MillionVoices today OR (text MV to 80550).


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