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One State Bans Outside Groups From Funding Elections

Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed a measure into law Wednesday that essentially banned local governments from accepting funding for elections from outside groups.

Senate Bill 222 makes it a felony for local officials and election works to ask for or receive any money to fund elections, except for that which comes from the state or federal government, according to The Associated Press. The move comes as part of a Republican crack-down on outside funding for local elections from Democrat-party operatives.

Election Interference

The state of Georgia had already made it illegal for election officials to receive outside money in 2021. The decision came after Republican lawmakers were alarmed that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donated more than $400 million to election officials across the U.S., pushing to favor Democrat candidates, The AP noted.  (LEARN MORE: Biden Regulations Could See Christians, Conservatives Denied Government Employment, Critics Claim)

Georgia Is Not Alone. Republicans Are Trying To Protect Elections Everywhere.

Congressional Republicans introduced legislation on Tuesday to try and combat President Joe Biden’s and his party’s attempts to insert themselves into state and local elections, The Federalist reported.

Biden was attempting to use federal funds to promote “get-out-the-vote” activities that typically involve left-wing organized groups who abuse their power by targeting only likely-Democratic voters. (LEARN MORE: Former CIA Leader Confesses That Biden Campaign Was Behind Suppression Of Hunter Laptop Story)

If You Care About Free And Fair Elections, Protect Them Today

In 2024, you will decide who gets the tax-payer-funded paycheck to lead our great nation. You can either choose to keep the guy who lies to us, manipulates the media, and has destroyed our sense of safety or freedom, or you can pick someone else.

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