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New York Times Twitter Verification Pulled, Branded ‘Propaganda’ By Elon Musk

The New York Times lost its Twitter verification mark, Sunday.

The loss came after Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced a new crack-down on users who are avoiding paying for the “Twitter Blue” badge, Fox News reported. April 1 was the official deadline for verified users to apply to retain the check mark, and those who refused to pay the various fees associated with Twitter Blue would start to lose those held over from the previous ownership.

Musk noted that the loss could apply to the NYT as the outlet has so far refused to pay for the service. “The real tragedy of [NYT] is that their propaganda isn’t even interesting,” Musk quipped. “Also, their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable. They would have far more real followers if they only posted their top articles. Same applies to all publications.”

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He later called the outlet “hypocritical” for demanding we pay for their content while refusing to pay to use Twitter Blue.

“The New York Times, which has nearly 55 million followers on Twitter, said on Thursday that it would not pay for the verified badge for its institutional accounts, including @nytimes. The Times also told its journalists that it would not reimburse them for a Twitter Blue subscription, except in rare cases when it was necessary for reporting.” the NYT said in an article Friday.

The outlet referred to the blue check mark as an “apocalypse,” which feels a bit hyperbolic given the number of real issues so readily ignored by NYT’s team.

Could this finally be the beginning of the end of mainstream media?

Propaganda campaigns by mainstream media outlets are becoming increasingly obvious. As we move through this next Great Awakening, could we see the end of this type of manipulation? We don’t just have to hope so, we can ensure it.

Contact your local officials today. Tell them you’re sick of being lied to by the mainstream media. Use your voice to stand up for truth. Sign up for Change.MillionVoices today OR (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so we can unite as citizen lobbyists and peacefully fight for our freedoms.


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