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New Mexico Sued For Allegedly Charging Excessive Fees For Copies Of Voter Rolls

The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit in late February against New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, claiming she violated the National Voter Registration Act for charging huge fees for copies of voter rolls.

A press release from the foundation states that Oliver charged more than $5,000 to anyone trying to obtain a copy of the state’s voter roll. The National Voter Registration Act requires only a fee related to photocopying the roll “at a reasonable cost.” However, those wanting a copy of the voter roll electronically are legally allowed to have it for free, the case argued.

States are supposed to maintain voter lists for at least two years, and make them available for public inspection.

“New Mexico’s $5,000 fee to obtain a copy of the voter roll electronically conflicts with the NVRA,” PILF President, J. Christian Adams said in the statement. “This excessive fee serves as a roadblock to the NRVA’s purpose to allow the public to hold their election officials accountable by ensuring that they are keeping their voter rolls accurate and up to date. Election officials cannot charge anything other than photocopying costs to obtain accesses to registration records.”

Why Oliver felt the need to charge these fees has not yet been revealed. This case is ongoing, so check back here for updates. (READ MORE: How Interests Rates Actually Impact You At Home. Carl Higbie Explains In Amazing Monologue)

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