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Nancy Pelosi Gives Very Strange Advice To Religious Americans

California Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi told Americans they shouldn’t vote based on their religious views, but on how politics will influence their lives.

“Give some advice to those who are frustrated by our politics now,” MSNBC host Joy Reid asked the former Speaker of the House, according to Fox News. Reid wanted Pelosi to convince religious Americans to “to vote not on how politics will impact your religion, but how it will impact your life,” noting that Pelosi apparently identifies as Roman Catholic despite supporting abortion.

“‘It’s not important what religion I believe in. What’s important is what America I believe in,'” Pelosi said, quoting former President John F. Kennedy, completely missing the point and context of his words.

She followed-up by calling at least one group of religious Americans “racists and bigots,” alluding to those who support former President Donald Trump, Fox noted.

Why is Pelosi’s advice so strange?

Asking Americans to vote based on their politics, not their religion, might make sense to those who don’t understand faith. Asking anyone to vote based on politics and not their religious beliefs is like asking us to put politicians above God.

This is far from the first time Pelosi has put her foot in her mouth when it comes to her faith. In mid-March, she publicly called out San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone after he barred her from receiving communion at his church. Cordileone explained that she would have to renounce her support for the murder of unborn children and go to confession before she could return.

It’s clear that Pelosi doesn’t understand the intrinsic nature of faith. She obviously fails to realize that His word is greater than any politician or party.

“We know from science that life begins at conception. Let us do everything possible to protect and support all human life, including life in the womb and women who find themselves in crisis pregnancies,” Cordileone said following Pelosi’s statements. “And, for the sake of the children, let us do everything possible to build a society that maximizes the chances of a child growing up with, and knowing and being loved by, a mother and father in a life-long, low-conflict relationship.”

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Supporting life is one of the most important things we can do to protect the most vulnerable Americans: our children.

Here at Change.MillionVoices, we believe we must protect those who cannot protect  themselves. We support efforts to end the practice of abortion in our nation. To help save lives, sign up to today (text MV to 80550). Together, we can use our vote and voice to save America.


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