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Here’s How The Government Covered Joe Biden From Hunter Biden’s Laptop

A report published in late April broke down the eight ways the government shielded President Joe Biden from his son’s “laptop from Hell.”

The list was compiled by the Federalist, and gives a damning analysis of government overreach. Learn all about it here:

Feds Seized The Laptop, Tried To Silence The Repair Shop Owner

Federal agents seized the laptop from John Paul Mac Isaac’s repair shop in Delaware, but not before he was able to make a copy of the hard drive. When the suits showed up to take the laptop away, Mac Isaac joked that he’d change their name in the book he wrote about the situation. The fed’s response? “It is our experience that nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things.”

FBI Tried To Make The Laptop Off Limits

Multiple whistleblowers have said that FBI leadership refused to let agents look at the content it contained. There was no interest in investigating the slew of potential felonies contained within the data.

FBI May Have Given An Inaccurate Briefing

The FBI did not review the content of the laptop until after the “results” of the 2020 election were made public, according to whistleblowers.

Sources Lied To The Media

Government sources apparently lied to at least NBC News, who reported that “federal investigators are examining whether emails allegedly describing activities by Joe Biden and his son Hunter and found on a laptop at a Delaware repair shop are linked to a foreign intelligence operation.”

Russia Disinfo Is Biden 101

Remember when the government kept telling us that the Hunter Biden laptop story was an attack from Russia?  (LEARN MORE: Biden Regulations Could See Christians, Conservatives Denied Government Employment, Critics Claim)

Social Media Censorship

Most people get their news from social media, so the government stepped in to silence social media users. Facebook, Twitter, and presumably other platforms removed the Hunter Biden laptop story and all those who discussed it.

That Notorious Letter …

“Another potential for government interference came when the 51 former intelligence officials joined together to pen their public statement declaring the laptop story had all the hallmarks of a foreign disinformation campaign. While we now know the Biden campaign’s role in prompting that letter, it is unknown whether any current government officials assisted in the efforts,” the Federalist wrote in their piece. (LEARN MORE: Former CIA Leader Confesses That Biden Campaign Was Behind Suppression Of Hunter Laptop Story)

Potential Military Connection?

It is still unclear what role our military had in trying to protect Joe Biden from the errors of his son, but there appears to be a few too many officials CC’d into emails related to the hard drive.

What Can You Do With This Information?

In 2024, you will decide who gets the tax-payer-funded paycheck to lead our great nation. You can either choose to keep the guy who lies to us, manipulates the media, and has destroyed our sense of safety or freedom, or you can pick someone else.

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