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Are The Chinese Balloons Hinting At An Attack?

An op-ed by Gordon G. Chang, published by the New York Post, argued that the Chinese spy balloons we’ve been hearing about are hinting at an attack from the communist superpower.

The Chinese balloon we shot down on Feb. 4 lingered over Malmstrom Air Force Base, the site of approximately a third of America’s land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles,” Chang started the article. “The balloon then flew near both F. E. Warren and Minot Air Force bases, which house the remainder of America’s Minutemen III wings. The balloon also passed close to Whiteman Air Force Base, home to the nuclear-capable B-2 bomber fleet, and Offutt Air Force Base, the headquarters of Strategic Command, which controls US nuclear weapons.”

Chang believes that this strategic path over our nation means that China is gathering the necessary intelligence for either a first or second strike against America’s nuclear arsenal. More than that, the borderline nonchalant nature of the flight path of these balloons suggests there is a “dangerous mentality” within Chinese leadership.

To-date, China has been inherently stealth in their invasion of America. They’ve poisoned our children with proliferation of dangerous materials on social media. They’ve murdered our family members by teaming up with Mexican cartels who traffic Chinese fentanyl over our open border.

It’s no wonder that a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with Biden’s handling of China.

Chang gives many hypotheses over how, why, and who launched the spy balloon. But ultimately, our safety and protection from China starts at home. You can act today to ensure that your elected officials put China at the very top of their list of concerns and start fighting for our protection by the federal government.

If you want your local, state, and federal government to do something about China, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.


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