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Two Reps. Could Make It Possible To Avoid Losing Everything During A Bank Run

The state of Texas is set to vote on a piece of legislation that would make it significantly easier for Americans to protect their savings by owning gold and silver.

You may remember an article we published in April about bills SB2234 and HB4903, which would allow Americans to own gold and silver, and have the ability to spend it with a debit card. If the legislation passes, “a bank run could never touch your deposits,” Kevin Freeman explained in a detailed video shared by The Blaze.

The legislation forces the Texas state comptroller to develop a digital currency that would be fully backed with gold and silver, and fully redeemable as cash or gold or silver, according to a ZeroHedge.

The bill was backed by Texas Republican state senator Brian Hughes and Texas Republican Rep. Mark Dorazio. (LEARN MORE: ‘Threat To Our Freedom’: Governor Explains How Govt. Is Trying To Make Social Credit Scores Legal)

Insulate Yourself From Foreign And Domestic Economic Warfare

It’s hoped that the bill will pass on Friday, protecting people in the state of Texas from the ongoing economic crises facing all Americans. With the cost of living soaring amid the inflation crisis, ensuring that your money is backed with something other than our federal government’s guarantee is essential.

Watch this excellent video of Kevin Freeman explaining, quickly, how important these two pieces of legislation are to all Texans (and could be to all Americans).

Kevin_Freeman_GOLD_05_04_TXT from Million VOices on Vimeo.

(LEARN MORE: ‘Our Money Our Values’ Educates Americans On The Dangers Of ESG Policies)

Can You Get The Same Security Outside of Texas?

If you’re sick of the Democrats destroying the economy, you can help end their tyrannical behavior today. Sign up for today (text GOLD to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed and become citizen lobbyists in the pursuit for common sense, safety, and a stable future for the American people.

If we work together, we can ensure that our finances are protected across the country.


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