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Take A Moment To Embrace ‘Let Us Worship,’ The International Awakening Movement

As part of our Great Awakening series, we want to bring you examples of His love and His power from around the U.S. and the rest of the world. Today’s video comes from South Africa, where an enormous revival took place in early April.

Filmed in Johannesburg, South Africa, the “Let Us Worship” movement is a day of worship, celebration, and ministry. The video shows the experiences of the attendees, as well as powerful words from the movement’s founder, Sean Feucht.

You Don’t Have To Travel To Take Part

The “Let Us Worship” movement actually started in America! “States across America, including right here in California, have shut down church services and even outlawed singing in church. Instagram and Twitter are censoring Christian voices every single day.  And with every hour that passes, they grow bolder in their efforts to silence the faithful,” the movement’s official website reads.

More Evidence Of Our Great Awakening

Did you know that most Americans understand the accuracy of the Bible? Or that revivals are taking place all over the country, with more attendees than some major mainstream media events? (LEARN MORE: Watch And Be Inspired By Asbury Revival’s Inter-Denominational Phenomenon)

The 3rd Great Awakening

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