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Study Proves We’re In Our Next Great Awakening

Research published by the American Bible Society in August revealed that 45% of Gen Z young adults are interested in learning the message of scripture.

“Gen Zers have been described as curious, digitally savvy, and advocates for change. We see all of this reflected in our research, but we also see a generation struggling to find their footing with faith,” ABS’s chief ministry insights officer John Farquahar Plake said in a statement issued by the organization.

“Scripture engagement rates for Gen Z have been on a steady decline over the past three years. Today, just one in ten Gen Z adults regularly engages with the Bible. However, this generation still shows significant interest in the Bible and the message of Jesus. Ministry leaders may be surprised to find how open Gen Z adults in their communities are to discussions about God’s Word. And if the trends we’re seeing continue—it’s crucial to be having those conversations now,” he continued.

Nearly Half Of Gen Z Are ‘Extremely Curious’ About Jesus

With 44% of Gen Z “extremely curious” about the Bible and the life of Jesus Christ, its hard to deny that we are in a Great Awakening. As the world turns to chaos around us, young people are moving closer to God.

Even those who are not practicing Christians are open to Scripture and other faith-based experiences, ABS noted. (LEARN MORE: Watch And Be Inspired By Asbury Revival’s Inter-Denominational Phenomenon)

Awakenings throughout history have never been defined as a single moment in time. There is never one single day that changes the course of our future forever. A Great Awakening takes long-term collective action and consciousness to create, and that is what we are going through today.

The 3rd Great Awakening

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