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Southern Baptists Urge States To Completely Ban All Transgender Surgeries For Children

One of the biggest parts of the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2023 annual meeting in New Orleans is the focus on mitigating so-called “child transgender surgeries,” according to Christian Headlines.

Using the foundations laid within the Bible, a 700-word amendment “On Opposing ‘Gender Transitions‘” was passed without a  worry by a show of hands at the convention. “WHEREAS, The Bible declares that God created humans in His own image as distinctly male and female (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4),” the document reads.

The document mainly decries the mutilation of children under the guise of so-called “gender transition care.” (LEARN MORE: Teacher Fired For Refusing To Lie To Student’s Parents)

Gender Transitions Are Not Medically Possible

Writing in 2015, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital Dr. Paul McHugh said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder.” It’s a condition that merits treatment, but a “sex change” is a biological impossibility, a fact that still stands today.

So why are governments, organizations, and medical institutions pushing the fake news that people can transition their gender? The short, and most likely answer, is greed. These surgeries cause irreversible harm to children and adults, and guarantee that the victims will be paying for medical care for the rest of their lives. (LEARN MORE: Warning For Parents: Extremists Continue To Push For The Inclusivity Of Child Sex Offenders)

Tell Your Elected Officials That You Oppose All Forms Of Gender Mutilation Today

By contacting your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with the power claimed by medical institutions over your children, you can shift policy to protect America’s most valuable members – its young people.

To contact your local representatives today, sign up for www.Change. today (text MV to 80550). We’ll ensure that your voice is always heard.. Share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed.


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