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A Majority Of Americans Pray And Receive Answers, Poll Finds

We have more Good News this Friday in our Great Awakening series! A survey published by the Prayer Wrap Skylight, part of the Radiant Foundation, found that a majority of Americans pray, and a majority of those prayers are answered.

The results of the study found that the average American prays twice a day. More than 80% of Americans who pray tend to do so at home in their bedroom, and a further 61% do so in their car.

“Despite recent statistics that suggest Americans are becoming less religiously affiliated, prayer appears to be a constant practice in people’s lives, with Americans spending 3.6 billion minutes each day praying,” the organizers of the survey said in a press release shared by Christian Headlines.

Dawn to Dusk

U.S. adults who pray typically do so at dawn or bedtime, with more people worshipping in their cars than at a specific center of worship. (LEARN MORE: ‘I Will Not Deny My Faith’: Huge Actor Speaks Out About Religion In Hollywood)

“These results make it clear that there is more praying taking place than people expect. People are praying in a variety of ways and in unexpected places throughout the day,” executive director of Skylight, John Dye, said of the survey.

A Majority Receive An Answer To Their Prayers

Of those of us who do pray, some 87% said they received an answer to their prayers in the last year.

One of the most inspiring findings of the survey was the responses from millennials and Gen Z — who were found to worship and pray with a spiritual group, family, pets, on a very regular basis. (LEARN MORE: ‘The Chosen’ Production Makes Major Announcement)

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