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The recent passing of the “heartbeat” bill in Texas has sparked some heated arguments across the pro-life and pro-choice spectrum. While the two sides differ greatly on their views of abortion, both can generally find common ground on the following: “abortion is acceptable in cases of rape.” Because of the story that I am about to share with you below, concessions like this have been weighing heavily on my heart.

The Story Begins

This story begins with a 21-year-old woman. She was a junior in college, with high hopes and aspirations, eagerly working towards her degree while enjoying her student life on campus. One evening, at her Christian college, those dreams shattered when the unimaginable happened to her. A male student from one of her classes took advantage of her.

In the days that followed, the young man claimed the incident was consensual. When the young woman tried to confide in her classmates, some of them didn’t believe her and turned their backs on her. Out of jealousy, the young man’s ex-girlfriend began spreading rumors about her. A few weeks later, it was confirmed – she was pregnant.

“No One Would Blame Her”

Scared, alone, and unsure of her next steps, the young woman hoped to receive help from her Christian school’s counseling center. Instead, she was told that “it would be understandable” and “no one would blame her” if she terminated the pregnancy. As intense debates rise in the wake of Texas’ “heartbeat” bill, we have seen many who admittedly agree with these school counselors’ concessions. Though abortion is uncomfortable, perhaps this is one scenario where it should be acceptable?

Choosing Life

But in this story, the young woman courageously rejected those sentiments and chose to let her baby live. Instead of aborting the baby and subjecting the woman (and her baby) to yet another act of violence and trauma, choosing life allowed her to receive the healing and support she needed and deserved. Through the pregnancy and birth of the baby, God gave the young woman hope, a new life, and a renewed sense of His grace and goodness.

God of Redemption

Our God is a good God. For young women who find themselves, victims of this horrible act, the Bible promises us that the Lord is “close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” He can take the evilest act and turn it around for good. Our God is a God who redeems.

I am so thankful this woman chose life because she chose my life. This young woman is my mom. When someone says that a child conceived in this circumstance should be aborted, they are talking about me. I am a product of rape.

Every Life is Valuable

Psalm 139:13-16 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” There is no concession – “except for in cases of rape” – in this verse. Every life has value and should be protected by our society, no matter the size, shape, age, race, ability, or origin. God cares for and intimately knows every individual, every human being. Even those who were conceived in rape, like me.

Today, my mother is happily married to a wonderful man who treasures her and protects her. She has a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandsons who light up her life. While an abortion could have left her wondering or filled with remorse, she has never once regretted choosing life. Her steps may have unfolded differently than her 21-year-old-self imagined, but despite the enemy’s best attempts, her life and heart are full.

“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).


Joel Jones
Joel JonesGuest Contributor
Joel Jones is a follower of Jesus, dad of two toddler boys, husband, loan officer, and golf enthusiast, with a passion for helping people and making a difference.


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