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POLL: Everyone Agrees That Allowing Biological Males Into Women Sports Is Incredibly Harmful

A poll published on Monday from McLaughlin & Associates Summit miniseries found that a majority of Americans believe that allowing biological men who claim to be women into female sports is a harmful practice.

Between February 17 and 22, a nationally-representative cohort of likely voters was asked about changes to Title IX regulations. Title IX allows men who think they’re women to compete in their sports in colleges. The respondents were also asked whether this change was helpful or harmful  to women’s sports and female athletes.

An overwhelming 77% of respondents said that the change was harmful. Not one single demographic of respondents to the poll agreed the change was helpful, including all Democrats, liberals, and Biden voters.

It’s unclear why people felt this way, but it’s likely due to issues of mental health. Most people understand that when someone thinks they’re “transgender,” they’re actually suffering from a debilitating mental disorder.

Instead of helping these people find the light, institutions will attempt to profit from them. This is particularly true in the field of medicine. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

Supporting the transgender movement means you’re supporting the proliferation of mental disorders amongst children. This probably doesn’t sound like you. But a lot of people are being harmed by this attack on young people.

Transgenderism is a mental disorder. These people need help.

It’s bad enough that biological males are distracting from real women’s issues with their parade. Having them destroy female spaces, particularly in school, is worse. (LEARN MORE: Teacher Fired For Refusing To Lie To Student’s Parents)

Contact your local representatives today and tell them you don’t want men destroying women’s sports in your city, state, and nation. Sign up for www.Change. today (text MV to 80550). We’ll ensure that your voice is always heard.. Share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed.


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