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How The COVID-19 Lab Origin Impacts Everyone

The FBI recently stated that COVID-19 likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. Despite the Chinese Communist Party trying to stop research by the World Health Organization into the origin of the pandemic, we now have more evidence that the virus was created and released.

The “lab leak” is no longer a conspiracy theory. Wow! Who could have guessed?

Well, a lot of Americans already believed COVID-19 leaked from a Fauci-funded gain-of-function research lab in Wuhan. Even comedian Jon Stewart knew that the so-called conspiracy was real. Did you see him get highly animated on the topic recently? If not, keep reading!

MillionVoices founder John Graves joined Gene Bailey at FlashPoint to discuss the implications of the COVID-19 lab leak. “When [the lab leak story] first broke, the only question to us, who had common sense, was whether it was intentionally done or leaked,” John explained. Shortly thereafter, mail-in ballots being used to warp election results rapidly became part of the political rhetoric. (LEARN MORE: Communist China Threatens Elon Musk Over Lab Leak Statements)

Rhetoric turned into reality and we underwent what was likely a stolen presidential election in 2022. Around the same time, journalists were being silenced over the Hunter Biden laptop story. Both of these were initially considered “conspiracy theories,” but evidence quickly emerged to prove them reality.

“The truth will come, but damage is done along the way. Elections have consequences.”– John Graves

“I don’t think [COVID-19] was leaked. I think it was launched,” John continued. China has been steadily attacking the U.S. and western powers for decades. They’re poisoning our children with fentanyl, brought in using Biden’s open borders.

If you’re unaware of the scale of China’s threat against America, watch this video in full and share with your friends and family immediately.

If you want your local, state, and federal government to do something about China, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.


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