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Texas Lawmakers Tell Biden To Secure The Border, Fire Mayorkas, Or Lose Support For New Budget

Fifteen Texas Republican representatives signed a joint letter to Congress that dictates President Joe Biden must secure the border, his administration must drop a lawsuit in the state, and fire Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to JustTheNews.

Should the demands not be met, the representatives told Congress that all support for new funding within the federal government when the fiscal year ends on September 30, 2023. (LEARN MORE: House Republicans Contemplate Defunding Homeland Security Secretary’s Salary Over Border Crisis)

The Letter

“Dear Colleague, The State of Texas is bearing the brunt of a national crisis at our southern border directly resulting from the unlawful and irresponsible actions of President [Joe] Biden and Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas. Criminal cartels maintain operational control of the border. Migrants are dying on Texas ranches and along the Rio Grande. … ranchers are threatened, and high-speed chases are tearing through small towns. … dangerous fentanyl is pouring into our communities via an open border… killing 200 Americans a day,” the letter reads. (RELATED: More Than 800,000 Illegal Border Crossers Released Into U.S. Without Any Recourse By Biden Administration)

Texans Spending To Protect Themselves

Texans have paid some $10 billion toward border security since 2021. Instead of reimbursing his people, the Biden Administration sued the state. “We must use the power of the purse to force President Biden to end the carnage resulting from open borders,” the lawmakers noted. (LEARN MORE: ‘She Can’t Do Dirt’: Million Voices CEO Hilarious Commentary On Kamala Harris Will Have You Roaring)

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