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State Attorneys General Warns Major Store That It Could Be In Violation Of Child-Protection Laws

Seven state attorneys general sent a letter to major store brand, Target, in July, warning its leadership that many of its “Pride” items may be violating state child protection laws, the Washington Stand reported.

Target has lost almost 20% of its stock value since it started offering transgender clothing to children in May, which may be in violation of child protection laws. The retail store started selling swimwear for boys that hides their genitalia, as well as various other items with pro-transgender messaging, and some designs from an individual who apparently has ties to Satanism.

AGs in Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina all signed the letter to Target, warning their leadership of their company’s potential violation. (LEARN MORE: Southern Baptists Urge States To Completely Ban All Transgender Surgeries For Children)

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“Our concerns entail the company’s promotion and sale of potentially harmful products to minors, related potential interference with parental authority in matters of sex and gender identity, and possible violation of fiduciary duties by the company’s directors and officers,” the AGs wrote in the letter.

The AGs further noted that Target’s continued support of the pro-child mutilation movement may also make its officers culpable for its diminishing stock prices. (LEARN MORE: Warning For Parents: Extremists Continue To Push For The Inclusivity Of Child Sex Offenders)

Tell Your Elected Officials That You Oppose All Forms Of Gender Mutilation Today

By contacting your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with the power claimed by Big Corporations over your children, you can shift policy to protect America’s most valuable members – its young people.

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