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Satanic Temple Lawsuit Against Abortion Dismissed

A lawsuit brought against pro-life laws in the state of Texas was dismissed in July, with the judge stating that those who brought the suit — the Satanic Temple — wrote a “willfully inadequate and deficient” case, according to The Christian Post.

“The third amended complaint is willfully inadequate and deficient,” Judge Charles Eskridge of the Southern District Court of Texas said in his ruling against the Satanic Temple. “It fails for jurisdictional reasons and would also likely fail for insufficient pleading of the merits. Plaintiffs will not be given leave to replead.”

The group went on to file an appeal in the hopes that a higher court will listen to their complaint.

What Was The Lawsuit About?

The Satanic Temple filed their suit in February 2021, claiming that the state was violating their religious freedoms by banning abortions within the  state. It is a complaint the group regularly makes. (LEARN MORE: 32,000 Fewer Abortions Happened After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned, Report States)

The group apparently engages in “ritual abortions,” but failed to show how the groups has been stopped from doing so under the new laws. “”Essentially, Judge Eskridge ruled that because he doesn’t understand our ritual, he refuses to approach the question of our right to perform it,” one of the group members said following the ruling.

What can you do to protect the lives of the unborn today?

Your voice is saving the lives of the unborn. You can tell your lawmakers that your vote depends on their work to protect Life.

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