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REPORT: Woman Says She Survived Six Abortions Attempts From Her Mother

An article published by LiveAction, Monday, featured a story of a woman who said her mother tried to abort her at least six times. Lauren Eden learned at the age of 21 that her premature birth at 26 weeks was the result of an attempted two-day D&E second-trimester dismemberment abortion procedure. Instead, the procedure led to Lauren’s delivery into the world.

Lauren’s parents told her the full story of her incredible survival.

Her mother was 18 when she fell pregnant with Lauren. She made an appointment at a facility where abortions were allowed up to 12 weeks into her creation. Though Lauren’s father wanted to keep her, her mother had other plans, according to the article. Lauren’s father prayed to God that he should intervene and save the life of his unborn child.

And He did.

As the couple drove to the clinic, a huge cloud sat atop the car and stopped them from going further. They turned around and went home.  But Lauren’s mother made another appointment. At the second appointment, Lauren was a little over 12 weeks into her development, so the clinic wouldn’t help her mother.

The staff referred her to another facility, but Lauren’s mother arrived late. The same thing happened again: when she eventually got into her forth appointment, she was more than 13 weeks pregnant. (LEARN MORE: State Denies Woman’s Adoption Application Based On Her Christian Faith)

At a 15-week abortion clinic, Lauren measured at just over 15 weeks

Finally, Lauren’s mother went to a clinic in Dallas that offered abortions up to 21 weeks. The staff didn’t even bother checking her with an ultrasound. They just moved forward with the D&E procedure, according to LiveAction.

Lauren’s mother was in a lot of pain and was very scared. “My dad felt the Lord calling him to call her, so he did. He asked to pray with her and my mom told him that if he would drive to Dallas and meet her at the clinic the next morning that she was 90% sure she wouldn’t go through with the procedure,” Lauren told the outlet.

Lauren’s father raced to Dallas, praying that he would get there in time to save his daughter’s life. Not only did he make it, but her mother had overslept. She was late for the appointment!

“She told the abortionist she wasn’t going to finish the abortion and he told her she was fully dilated,” Lauren continued. “She was told she was endangering her life and mine if she didn’t go through with it. She said she was willing to take that chance.”

Weeks later, a miracle happened

Lauren’s mother went into labor at 26 weeks after being on bedrest at a friend’s house. At the hospital, Lauren’s mother was told there was a 95% chance her child wouldn’t survive.

Lauren was born 2lbs 6oz, and spent 53 days in the NICU, LiveAction continued. Not only did she survive, but she thrived. And she was gifted with a beautiful family.

Lauren’s parents were married and had two more daughters after their miracle. They’ve been married for 40 years and have five grandsons!

“I truly believe that God intervened in a miraculous way in my life and my parents’ lives,” said Lauren. “He rescued me from physical death and rescued my mom spiritually. All the answered prayers and miracles — 15 miracles in all — that God did along the way. I give God the honor and the praise because He rescued me.”

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