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Report Reveals Biden Family Corruption In Shocking Detail

A detailed report from Fox News, published Thursday, outlined the various allegations and more against the Biden family and their ongoing corruption.

The Fox report covers everything from the IRS giving Hunter Biden special treatment throughout the various investigations into this tax record. According to reports from the Wall Street Journal, a career IRS Criminal Supervisory Agent alleged that Hunter received the treatment, and that they have evidence that contradicts testimony from “a senior Biden political appointee.”

In addition, Fox reported that Chairman Comer revealed documents that show six additional Biden family members received foreign payments, or at least benefitted from them. To-date, nine Biden family members have been caught with suspicious financial transactions and/or bank records.

Manipulation Of The Media, Sluggishness Of Investigations

Fox argued that the Bidens have always managed to evade criticisms due to their control of the media. (LEARN MORE: Senior ABC Reporter Claims Top Bosses Won’t Cover Trump’s Successes)

The outlet then argued that there is a significant lack of movement in the investigations against the Biden Family. Fox used the example of David Weiss, the U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, who is looking into a slew of possible crimes. These include:

  • Tax violations
  • Unlawful work as a foreign agent
  • Unlawful foreign transactions

Manipulated or Misdirected?

We highly recommend you review the full Fox News report and come to your own conclusions over what is going on with the Biden family. (LEARN MORE: Biden Regulations Could See Christians, Conservatives Denied Government Employment, Critics Claim)

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