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Senior ABC Reporter Claims Top Bosses Won’t Cover Trump’s Successes

A report from Project Veritas published in February claimed that the top bosses at ABC News refuse to do any positive coverage of former President Donald Trump.

ABC News Political Correspondent David Wright told an undercover PV journalist that the network is unable to provide relevant news to its audience, and that no matter what, the commercial imperative of the network wins out over true coverage in the end.

“We live in a moment where people live in echo chambers and the truth suffers and, in an effort, to compete, we’ve become an echo chamber ourselves. We’ve been in the mainstream media we have an effort to match the zippy news cycle with responding to the latest tweet and trying to keep pace with the desperate pace of it all,” Wright said to the journalist.

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“As a result, we’re easily distracted and that means that we don’t bring focused attention to something that could make a difference,” he continued. “I think, some of that at least in the place that I work [ABC News], and places like it, is that we’ve, with Trump we’re interested in three things: the outrage of the day, the investigation, and of the palace intrigue of who’s backstabbing whom. Beyond that, we don’t really cover the guy [Trump].”

The report was released shortly after ABC News’ leadership also reportedly spiked a deep investigative piece on notorious child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who has been linked to a slew of politicians and celebrities. “We would not put it on the air,” ABC reporter Amy Robach said, according to PV. “It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything.”

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