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Progressive Actor Announces Senate Campaign

Politically progressive actor Harper Hill, known for his role in “The Good Doctor,” announced his bid for Michigan Senate, Monday.

“We can all feel it: D.C just isn’t getting things done for people. We need representatives who’ll take on special interests, get money out of politics, and make our government work for all of us. That’s why today, I’m announcing my campaign for U.S. Senate in Michigan,” Harper tweeted on Monday to his almost half a million followers.

The announcement was accompanied by a traditional campaign video, which followed most of the typical progressive tropes we’re used to from Democrats today. (LEARN MORE: Senator’s Fiery Statements On Special Interests And Big Government After Ohio Train Derailment Are Inspiring)

Social Justice and Economic Dignity

Harper is relying solely on grassroots donations for his campaign, an idea that sounds great on it’s surface, but could spell doom for his constituents should he get into power. Without backing from PACs and other groups, Harper will be asking his constituents — the ones he appears to claim are suffering — to help fund his career choice, instead of doing the hard work himself.

So, what happens if Harper gets into power and lives up to his campaign promises? Well, he’ll be depending on his poverty-stricken voters to keep funding the state. From here, he won’t be able to actually do anything meaningful in the realm of social justice, such as enacting laws, policies, and funding to stop the rampant crime plaguing his state. Why? Because he won’t have any money to do so.

Progressives Can Only Keep Making Empty Promises If We Keep Believing Them

The math ain’t mathing when it comes to progressive solutions to America’s problem. Most of America’s biggest problems actually come from progressives. The simplest way to stop this decline is to stop voting for people like Harper, who are just looking for YOU to fund their next career opportunity. (LEARN MORE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Run Against Biden For 2024 Presidential Elections)

The 2024 Presidential Election all comes down to YOUR vote. You get to decide who runs this country and impacts your life. Tell your elected officials how you feel today!

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