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People Who Engage With The Bible, Faith ‘Flourish’ In ‘Human Experience’

A study conducted by the American Bible Society (ABS) found that adults who engage with their faith and read scripture “flourish in every domain of human experience.”

“Our research confirms something millions of Christians know through personal experience—that the Bible has the power to transform our lives and make us happier, healthier, and whole,” ABS chief ministry insights and innovation officer John Farquhar Plake told the Christian Post. “We find that Christians who are committed to their faith, fully engaged in the Bible and transformed by its message, flourish in every domain of human experience.”

Scripture-engaged Christians go through the same ups and downs as everyone else, Plake noted, but there is one major difference: worldview. Christians go through life with a mindset shaped by God’s message of hope. “No matter the circumstances, those who trust in God and connect with him through Scripture are happier than those who haven’t yet sought God in his Word,” Plake continued. (LEARN MORE: 85-Year Study Reveals Secret To Happiness And A Longer Life)

Happiness & Human Flourishing

The study explored various aspects of human life, such as happiness, life satisfaction, mental and physical health, purpose, character, relationships, and financial and material stability. Christians who practice within their faith scored an average of 7.8 on the Human Flourishing Index compared to non-practicing Christians (6.9) and non-Christians (6.7).

Data in the State of the Bible report is based on 2,761 responses collected from U.S. adults between Jan. 5-30.  It has a margin of error of +/- 2.59 percentage points. (LEARN MORE: Watch And Be Inspired By Asbury Revival’s Inter-Denominational Phenomenon)

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