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NBC News Poll Finds 70 Percent Don’t Want Biden To Run Again

A poll conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion for NBC News found t hat 70% of Americans, and a majority of registered Democrats, don’t want President Joe Biden to seek another term in office.

Using a survey sample of 1,000 adult Americans, the pollsters found that 51% of Democrats don’t want Biden running for reelection in 2024. “The president needs to reflect the age group in the country, one registered Democrat who responded to the poll told NBC News.

“It’s Someone Else’s Turn”

Two-thirds of Republican respondents said they would stand behind former President Donald Trump. The group largely dismissed concerns about Trump’s electability, ignoring the attacks against him from progressive politicians.

“It’s clear that people do not want a Biden-Trump rematch,” Republican pollster Bill McInturff told the outlet. He further noted that, at this stage, 2024 is shaping up to be another repeat of 2020.

Who Do You Want For 2024?

The 2024 election is a little over a year away. You have plenty of time to choose the right candidate for you. And those candidates and future elected officials need to know what you stand for. (LEARN MORE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Run Against Biden For 2024 Presidential Elections)

The 2024 Presidential Election all comes down to YOUR vote. You get to decide who runs this country and impacts your life. Tell your elected officials how you feel today!

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The margins of error are plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for the whole sample, 3.46 points for the registered voters, and plus or minus 5.99 points for GOP primary voters.


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