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Huge Hollywood Actor Loses It Over Vaccines And Masks

Woody Harrelson, the self-proclaimed “redneck hippie” actor, said that COVID-19 protocols in the entertainment industry are “absurd” and killing independent cinema.

The New York Times reported asked Harrelson why so many iconic indie movies are disappearing as the industry evolves. Harrelson confirmed that the industry has changed, and that “especially with all the Covid protocols — which, to me, are rather absurd. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

The NYT interviewer then, shamefully, asked what Harrelson thought was absurd about COVID-19 protocols. (LEARN MORE: Lab Leak Could Prove That Fauci Is Responsible For The COVID-19 Pandemic, Expert Claims)

“The fact that they’re still going on! I don’t think that anybody should have the right to demand that you’re forced to do the testing, forced to wear the mask and forced to get vaccinated three years on. I’m just like, Let’s be done with this nonsense. It’s not fair to the crews. I don’t have to wear the mask. Why should they? Why should they have to be vaccinated? How’s that not up to the individual? I shouldn’t be talking about this [expletive]. It makes me angry for the crew. The anarchist part of me, I don’t feel that we should have forced testing, forced masking and forced vaccination. That’s not a free country. Really I’m talking about the crew. Because I can get out of wearing a mask. I can test less. I’m not in the same position they’re in, but it’s wrong. It’s three years. Stop.” Harrelson replied.

Wow. Finally someone who has made their career from woke Hollywood is finally standing up to its stupidity.

The reporter tried and failed to bite back at Harrelson, who clearly didn’t care. While he did later described himself as a mixture of “anarchist/Marxist/capitalist/redneck hippie,” he called out government for “always [being] in the hands of big business.”

Harrelson’s current political affiliations aside, he’s clearly got his head screwed on correctly when it comes to the absolute tyranny foisted upon us by our leadership in recent years. (LEARN MORE: A Majority Of Americans Disapprove Of Biden’s Handling Of China)

We seem to have finally done away with most of the protocols implemented against our freedoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. But that doesn’t mean the fight is over. We still need to hold China accountable for the virus that nearly destroyed civilization.

If you want your local, state, and federal government to do something about China, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.


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