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GOP Aligned On Condemnation Of David Weiss, Special Counsel In Hunter Biden Investigation

House Republicans are apparently unified in their condemnation of U.S. prosecutor David Weiss, who was appointed as the special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation, Breitbart reported.

Weiss was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. His role revolves around investigating first son Hunter Biden, as well as all things that emerge from said investigation. “I hope Special Counsel David Weiss informs Americans just how many millions of dollars Hunter Biden made on what his ex-partner called an “illusion” of access, and if the President financially benefited,” Republican Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon said of the situation.

“How many LLCs were actually formed to mask where the money was sent? The President denied any involvement, but now we know he was on approximately 20 phone calls. I hope the Special Counsel gets to the truth,” he continued. (LEARN MORE: PublicSq., RedBalloon Step In To Support Bud Light Workers After Layoffs)

Weiss Wanted A Sweetheart Deal For Hunter

“At the same time, I’m concerned that Special Counsel Weiss previously recommended a sweetheart deal for Hunter that was rightfully rejected by the judge,” Bacon noted. The deal for Biden was rejected by Judge Maryellen Norieka. His case will now most likely go to trial.

Others are concerned the coverup extends beyond Hunter Biden. House Oversight Committee chair James Comer announced he would subpoena members of the Biden family to testify, and Weiss was appointed the following day. (LEARN MORE: Kamala Harris Officially The Lowest-Rated VP In History)

Signs Of A Cover-Up?

“Attorney General Garland’s decision is a clear attempt to cover up mounting evidence from the House Oversight Committee, exposing President Biden’s involvement in his family’s pay-for-play schemes with foreign nationals. The Department’s misconduct already allowed the clock to run out on serious crimes committed by Hunter Biden, while officials ignored incriminating leads and negotiated a lenient plea deal. This move underscores the Biden Justice Department’s bid to obstruct congressional oversight of the President’s corruption and compromised leadership. The Oversight Committee will not be stopped in its investigation and pursuit of the facts for the American people,” New York Republican Rep. Nick Langworthy said.

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