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Biden Appoints Al Sharpton, LGBTQ Task Force Leader, And Cop-Hating Muslim To Faith-Based Security Advisory Council

President Joe Biden’s Faith-Based Security Advisory Council (FBSAC) is currently being advised by Al Sharpton, a former leader of the National LGBTQ Task Force, and a Muslim leader who once fundraised for a convicted cop killer, according to the Washington Stand.

The FBSAC was drafted after the Department of Homeland Security warned of a surge in attacks on Christian institutions and other faith-based institutions across the country. Attacks against Churches have tripled over the last four years, the outlet noted, so it’s unclear why a majority of those on the commission have zero relationship with the Christian faith. (LEARN MORE: Shocking Statistics Reveal The Seriousness Of Anti-Christian Hostility In America)

Another member of the commission is a rabbi, who calls the murder of unborn children a “righteous procedure.” You can read a full breakdown of all the commission’s members here.

Attacks Against Christians Continue To Rise Nationally

Political, legal, and physical attacks against Christians have risen significantly in recent years. In the months, street preachers have been arrested for quoting scripture (a violation of the First Amendment). (LEARN MORE: State Denies Woman’s Adoption Application Based On Her Christian Faith)

New regulations proposed by the Biden Administration could also see conservatives and Christians denied work within the government. Now is the time to work together to protect our faith and freedoms, and you will never be alone in this battle for His Light.

We Cannot Let These Attacks Darken Our Light

While these attacks continue, a Great Awakening is taking place around the world. From pop culture to quiet revivals filled with thousands of people, Christians are naturally feeling the urge to save ourselves and our faith through exceptional practice. (LEARN MORE: Major Film Studio Acquires Global Distribution Rights To “The Chosen”)

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Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need to confidently act from a biblical worldview.

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