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2-Year-Old Sentenced To Life In Prison After Parents Are Caught With Bible

A two-year-old child has been sentenced to life in prison after his parents were caught with a Bible in North Korea, Christian Headlines reported Tuesday.

The revelation was part of  the 2022 International Religious Freedom Report from the State Department, which noted that an estimated 70,000 Christians are currently in prison in the third-world nation. The report details how, in 2009, the entire family (including the infant son) were sentenced to life in prison for their faith. (LEARN MORE: Watch And Be Inspired By Asbury Revival’s Inter-Denominational Phenomenon)

When Christians are sent to prison for their faith in North Korea, they are reportedly subjected to horrific forms of mistreatment. This includes  abuse of religious freedoms, forced labor, sexual violence, arbitrary detention, torture and deportation, according to Christian Headlines.

Lies And Abuse From North Korea’s Fascist Dictator

North Korea claims to allow religious freedom, even putting churches in the country’s main city of Pyongyang. In reality, these churches are largely thought to be “showpieces for foreigners,” the outlet continued. (LEARN MORE: Biden Regulations Could See Christians, Conservatives Denied Government Employment, Critics Claim)

A report from Christian Post argued that North Korea’s educational materials are severely anti-religion. Many are told that Christian missionaries in the state committed “evil deeds,” including rape, murder, and organ harvesting.

Protect America From The Craziness Of North Korea

North Korea regularly threatens our lives here in the U.S. If you want your local, state, and federally elected representatives to ensure safety from this tyrannical madness, tell them today. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed and become citizen lobbyists against fascist dictatorships that destroy lives.


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