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No Attacks Have Taken Place In Schools Where Teachers Are Armed: REPORT

A  report published by Breitbart, Wednesday, outlined the argument there has never been a shooting during a school day and institutions where teachers are armed.

Progressive leftist politicians still seem to think that the best way to deal with bad guys with guns is to “ban guns,” even though this is physically impossible. Take, for example, Democratic New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman who lost his mind when he was asked by Republican Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie, “Did you know there’s never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry?”

As a great man once said, “what do you use to protect your most valuable asset, your children?”

When there is a bad guy, a mentally ill domestic terrorist who chooses to murder children in school instead of dealing with their problems with positive means, what would you rather have: a sign up that says “this school is a gun free zone” or have your children be protected by good guys and gals with guns?

Twenty states already allow  teachers to carry concealed handguns, according to Breitbart. Within those states, no attacks on children from domestic terrorists have come to pass. The only examples of armed security officers failing to protect children from gunmen, such as Florida’s Parkland shooting.

Scot Peterson, the sheriff’s deputy assigned to protect Parkland high school, allegedly hid outside the building while children were slaughtered inside.

The Answer Is Simple. Protect Your Second Amendment Rights. Protect Your Families.

If you want your local leadership to allow teachers to protect children, use your voice today. Sign up for Change.MillionVoices today OR (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so we can unite as citizen lobbyists and peacefully fight for our freedoms.


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