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Ex-Gay Man Reportedly Facing Prison Time After Sharing Testimony About His Faith

Ex-LGBT activist Matthew Grech told CBN News that he is facing potential prison time after he chose to share his story of leaving his lifestyle to follow Christ.

Grech, who currently resides in Malta, said his life was quite different before he found his faith. “I was quite interested in New Age. I wanted to become a reiki master,” he told the outlet. “So, I was involved in the occult to some extent as well as being fascinated by energy.”

All of this disappeared when he found Jesus.

After being invited to church one day, Grech felt the “presence of God” and the love of the genuine believers around him. “I did commit my life to Jesus Christ and it’s been an awesome journey of just growing in this new identity and life,” he continued in the conversation. “I stumbled upon Bible verses on homosexuality one day. I had never heard homosexuality addressed from a pulpit before, but I was really challenged and I remember just really wanting to be in the will of God.”

As he committed to prayer, he was able to align his life with the Truth. “What society calls gay, I don’t have to wear that label anymore … When I understood that, hope filled my heart … heaviness left my body,” he noted.

Freedom of Speech under threat

Grech shared his story with a local outlet in Malta. That’s when things got bad. Malta was the first European country to ban anything their politicians deemed as attempting to “change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression,” CBN continued.

Grech was asked by two local news reporters about his opinions on this legal shift. As a result of answering, Grech was accused of violating Malta’s Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Gender Expression Act.

The law is “ideological” and expects everyone to think and feel the same way as the politicians want them to.

Despite not once trying to convert people, Malta is targeting Grech. “Police give me a call, and they say … ‘Three people reported you to the police and reported the presenters as well because they’re claiming that you breached … Maltese law, which says that you cannot advertise so-called conversion practices,’ Grech told CBN. “And so I turned up to the police station with my lawyer. We exercised our right to be silent.”

The presenters were also charged for even discussing the issue on television. The case is ongoing. You can watch the full interview here:

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